Ecoline Windows is glad that your order will be installed soon. Please, read this instruction carefully, and let us know if you have any questions.
On the inside we ask that you:
-Remove blinds, drapes and furniture from the windows (unless stated in the contract otherwise)
-Cover up furniture and electronics that you would like to keep clean
-Contact your security alarm system provider to disconnect sensors if you need to (Ecoline Windows will not be held responsible for reconnecting existing security alarm systems or any charges that may incur from the security provider).
On the outside, we ask that you:
-Move any barbecues, tables and any other patio furniture
-Protect flower beds and shrubs directly below the window
Your remaining balance is due upon arrival on site.
Use the function «Pay bills», select «Add a payee» and simply add Ecoline Windows, Your Account Number is your appointment ID.
You may use e-transfer or cheque. Our e-transfer email is e-transfer@ecolinewindows.
ca. Alternatively, you can pay your balance bill directly from your bank through your online banking website.
Online bill payment is available with the banks listed below.
-Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
-Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
-Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD)
-Bank of Nova Scotia
-Bank of Montreal (BMO)
-Canadian Western Bank
-First Nations Bank of Canada
-Citizens Bank of Canada
-National Bank
-Assiniboine CU
-Carpathia CU
-Steinbach CU
If the weather is not cooperating on the day of the installation, we will contact you first thing in the morning if we cannot install.
Please keep in mind, windows and/or doors installation is a renovation project. Duration of the scheduled installation appointment is approximate and can increase/decrease or result in multiple visits due to various factors. Ecoline Windows will not be financially responsible for the inconveniences and/or loss of income.
Ecoline Windows is very serious about Covid-19 prevention and all our installation crews are using PPE (personal protective equipment) during the installation appointments.
1. Do you have any of the following symptoms: Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea?
2. Have you had a close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19?
3. Have you travelled outside of Canada in the past 21 days?
If you answered “Yes” to any of the questions please kindly email or call our office 1-866-644-6418 to reschedule your appointment for a later date.